Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who exactly are you and where is your company located?

We are Export Quality Services Co., Ltd., located in Bangkok, Thailand, at the address given on the top of every page. More information on our office is given on our contact page, including photos.

Export Quality Services Co., Ltd., has translators with a wide range of experience, e.g., marketing people for promotional literature, businesspeople for translation of company documents, lawyers for legal documents, English students for personal communications, etc.

How much does a Thai English translation cost?

The price depends upon what you want translated. At the high end are high stakes corporate legal agreements, while at the low cost extreme are personal communications.

We need a website in both English and Thai. Can you help us?

How many websites have you seen which have breathtaking artistic design and impressive programming ... but poor text content? Those websites may impress their techie peers and "mouse potato" casual surfers, but do they engage a client and even result in many visitors contacting the company? If you want a website with engaging text content, then work with us and Offshore Website Design dot com.

What other professional services for Thailand can you help us with? > FAQ - Frequent Questions

Please feel free to contact us by our contact page.

Please note: we do not provide free translation online, e.g., "Hi! What's Thai for 'I love you'?" Such requests will simply be ignored. Serious translation inquiries only.

Copyright © 2001-2021 Export Quality Services Co., Ltd., All Rights Reserved

Note: This company no longer operates and its Managing Director departed for home in New Zealand, but you may enquire about past things.
Reach us at / pastthings via
Who are we and where are we? Click for moreWho are we and where are we? Click for more

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